What types of hyperextension exist and how to perform them correctly

Some movements cause a lot of controversy and hyperextension exercise honorably takes first place in the list. Despite the fact that this is an incredibly useful exercise that every person needs to perform, even advanced athletes do not always use its full potential. That is why it is important to consider how hyperextension can be useful, why it is so important and how to perform the exercise in order to get the most out of it.

Misconceptions and myths regarding hyper extension

This is one of those exercises, the study of which you need to start with the correct definition. Unfortunately, even experienced coaches will spread misconceptions, the reason for which is the lack of sufficient knowledge. Therefore, initially, you need to consider all types of hyperextension and what this exercise is. The first thing that is worth considering is the concepts of extension and hyperextension. Very often they are attributed to completely unimaginable movements, trying to distinguish them in two different exercises. It is important to remember that extension (from Latin) means straightening. Simply put, if during the exercise at the upper point your body forms a straight line, it will be an extension. That is, if during the exercise you are unbending more than to a straight line, then this will no longer be an extension, and hyperextension, that is, over-extension. The second common misconception relates to bending itself. Often hyperextension is the bending of the body with fixed legs, and extension is the opposite, extension of only the lower body. When familiarizing yourself with the terminology, it becomes clear that both options are considered incorrect. Extension or hyperextension involves the work of the upper body with fixed legs. But lowering and raising legs is called reverse extension/hyperextension. involves the work of the upper body with the legs fixed. But lowering and raising legs is called reverse extension/hyperextension. involves the work of the upper body with the legs fixed. But lowering and raising legs is called reverse extension/hyperextension.
In general, in most cases, there is a substitution of concepts, since the execution technique itself proves that it is more correct to do the extension. Re-extension rarely can give its advantages, therefore it is used only in some situations. For example, when a simulator is used, where the legs are not fixed in a horizontal position, but at an angle.

The benefits of back extensions

Now let’s move on to why this exercise is so important. And not only to athletes, but also to all people, regardless of age. You need to start with the benefits, namely the following important benefits of the exercise:

  • Strengthens the muscles of the lower back, corrects posture.
  • It allows you to remove compression of the vertebrae, making it ideal for use after exercises such as squats with a barbell, deadlift, etc. Also used as a warm-up before these movements.
  • It allows you to eliminate pain with hernias and protrusions in the lumbar spine (many athletes were convinced in practice that only injection with the help of hyperextension can eliminate pain and manifestations of problems).

Hyperextension is performed either as a warm-up before heavy exercises (in this case, the exercise is done without weight), or for pumping the lower back. If you do not consider movement as a normal exercise in the gym, then hyperextension is suitable only for prevention, to strengthen the muscles of the lower back and reduce the load on the vertebrae. In its effect, it acts much better than hanging on the horizontal bar, because it is worth using. Especially if you have been in a sitting position for a long time.

It is important to note that experts recommend doing reverse hyperextension, that is, lowering and raising the legs with the body fixed. It does not load the knee joints and is less aggressive in its effect on the lower back.


Back extension proper form technique

Now let’s move on to the most important, namely, how to correctly hyperextension. In technical terms, this exercise is quite complicated, despite its simplicity. To begin with, we will consider the classic technique that is used most often, and after that we will move on to alternative options and how to diversify the movement.

  • Lock the legs with the help of special rollers. They should be at the ankle level. Do not place the rollers on the calves.
  • Lie down on the pillows so that the body is on weight and the pelvis is fixed.
  • Slowly lower the case down, making a small pause at the lower point. After that, return to the starting position.

At first glance, the technique is incredibly simple, but there are many important nuances behind it that can make hyperextension not only ineffective but also quite harmful. Therefore, it is very important to know all the technical features. It is important to learn them even at the stage when you work without weights, because then, doing hyperextension with weight, the number of errors will only increase.

  • It is important that the edge of the bench or pillows is at the top of the buttocks. If the lower abdomen lies on the surface, this will distort the technique;
  • Always keep your back straight, deflection in this exercise is unacceptable. With a lack of flexibility, slightly reduce the amplitude, this will help keep your back straight;
  • The neck should always be in a neutral position. It is forbidden to raise or lower the head, this will certainly lead to problems in the cervical spine. Flatten your shoulder blades and straighten your chest, this will help keep your neck and back straight;
  • Keep your hands pressed to your chest or folded at the back of the head;
  • It is not necessary to oversize the body too much, the most suitable range of motion will be between a flat body (a straight line from the heels to the neck) and a downward slope to the level where the legs and body form a right angle.

It is also important not to strain the hips and buttocks when performing the exercise, this will help to better load the lower back.

Types of hyperextension in hyperextension machine

There are many types of hyperextension. They differ not only in the style of execution, but also in what muscles work during movement.

Features of back extension exercise with weight

If you use the exercise in order to strengthen and build up the muscles of the lower back, it is best to perform it with weights. This will make it easy to track progression and constantly increase working weights. It’s wrong to put pancakes on your back, this is unsafe and excludes the possibility of working with serious scales without the help of a partner. It is best to take weight plates in front, pressing them to the chest. We offer you to visit one of the best steroids shops in the USA get-roids.net: with only legit products and regular sales. Despite the fact that you can do the exercise on the bench, it is better to give preference to the simulator. Firstly, this will make it possible to better fix the body without help, and secondly, the simulator will always have a greater range of movements than when performing on a bench. It is also worth considering that it will be preferable to exercise equipment in which the legs are not in a horizontal position, but at an angle (about 45 degrees). In this case, the buttocks and hip biceps will be less involved in the work,

Reverse hyperextension: features and proper form

This is the same exercise in which the lower body is moved in place of the body. Often this option is called more preferable, because with this technique it is better to turn off the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Nevertheless, everything will depend on the availability of a simulator. If reverse hyperextension can still be done on a regular V-simulator, then where the legs are fixed in a horizontal position, this will not work. In this case, it is better to do with an ordinary bench for bench press. Use leg weights to increase the load.

Features hyperextension on Swiss ball

If we talk about the benefits, then hyperextension on the Swiss ball will be much more preferable than in the simulator. This is the best option if your main goal is to strengthen the health and muscles of the lower back. Most often they work on Swiss ball without weight. In this position, it is necessary to maintain balance, so doing with weight can be dangerous.

Hyperextension at home: proper form and technique

If you exercise at home, then the only option to do the exercise correctly will be to help a partner. Without a simulator in which you can securely fix your legs, the movement will not be safe. With the help of a partner, it can be done anywhere, even on a chair, even on a sofa, but remember that the partner must fix his legs so that the body does not swing during lifting and lowering.


There are many varieties of the exercise, but mainly for the development of the lower back, classical or reverse hyperextension is used. There are also execution techniques in which the load is switched to the biceps of the thigh and buttocks, therefore it is important not to confuse these movements. In general, it is important to remember that regardless of species or characteristics, the main condition will always be a flat back. This is an undeniable rule for all exercise options.