Princess Kates janky doll wig situation is an international distraction

Here are more photos from the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay’s big day-trip to Scotland on Thursday. They visited Burghead, Inverness and Moray. Their events were centered on youth mental health and agricultural life. Per usual, Kate and William were asked to perform some skits – helmets and bikes were provided, and they dutifully biked through some kind of light obstacle course. You can read more about all of it here at People.

Obviously, biking and youth mental health is all very well and good, but the biggest discussion online is Kate’s increasingly distracting wigs. Even LaineyGossip wrote about the dysfunction happening on Kate’s head, although Lainey’s hair professional thinks this situation is just a case of really bad weaves. I honestly don’t think so. Someone, somewhere thinks Kate looks fine and I want to know who that person is because they clearly hate her. She looks like she just plopped a cheap 1970s wig on her head and no one double-checked it. One of these photos is angled so you can see the mess happening in the back – you can easily see what her real hair looks like underneath that ridiculous hairpiece.

More thoughts about the jeans – literally, all she needs is like two more inches on the inseam and these jeans would be super-cute and flattering. Don’t give me any arguments about this being the trend – the highwater look might be “trendy” in the UK this season, Kate’s execution is so bad, it effectively killed the attempted trend. It’s a shame because I’ve been praying for a return to dark-wash bootcut jean styles. Just two more inches, I swear! The jeans would have been close to perfect! (She still would have needed a better boot though.)

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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