Jada Pinkett Smith Had A Sex Room Built For Her & Will Smith!

Whether people on the internet like it or not, we’re learning more about Will and Jada Pinkett Smith’s marriage!

Perezcious readers know there have been some bombshell revelations to come out of the 52-year-old actress’ new memoir Worthy — the biggest one being that the couple secretly separated over the past seven years. Now we’re getting a small peek into their life before the separation, including their intimate time together (or more so lack thereof)!

In her book, Jada revealed that the pair slept in the same bed as their children, Jaden and Willow, when they were young and “continued to do so nightly for some years.” But Will wasn’t a big fan of the sleeping arrangements at all. In fact, the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air alum became so fed up with co-sleeping when their son was roughly 6 years old since it seemingly impacted their sex life!

So what does Jada do to solve the problem? She built a secret sex room to get some alone time with her hubby! The Madagascar star wrote:

“To give us our own space, I built a separate, beautiful love nest for us two grown-ups in our bedroom, complete with a domed ceiling full of twinkling stars.”

That is one way to fix the issue! Lolz! However, it seemed to be only a temporary solution! Although the kids were expected to sleep in their bedrooms, Jada said they eventually “hijacked that room as well!” Damn.

At least she tried to come up with a creative solution! Reactions, Perezcious readers? Let us know in the comments!

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